We’re here in the third week of the Battle for Azeroth, and Uldir (OOL-deer) opens next week. I’m sure you’ve seen or heard about a bunch of great gear, but I bet you’re wondering, in general, what’s the best way to gear up for Uldir?
Surving the First Swarm in They Are Billions
Are you having trouble surving the first swarm in They Are Billions? Having trouble staying alive until the second swarm? I’m going to cover a handful of points in this post; hopefully, boil strategy down to its bare essence. Your first three tents should go up within a couple hours, and then at hour 8 when your first income hits, build the fourth tent, and use the remaining gold to build a food building (hunter’s hut or fisherman’s) and a sawmill. If you can’t get to wood yet, or if there’s a much better place to put a sawmill a few tiles outside your zone, you might put up a…
They Are Billions 0.9 Patch
The 0.9 patch to They Are Billions added two things: a new difficulty setting (max population), and a new Special Infected, the Giant. The difficulty setting is a new population setting. The previous population choices were few, very low, low, medium, and high. This new choice, max, comes on the high end. The result is a new set of hard challenges, pushing the maximum score factor up to 800%. Of course, this doesn’t affect any existing games, as you only choose difficulty at the start of a new game. I’m currently working my way through a 160% difficulty game (80, low, Peaceful Lowlands) so I can’t really comment on the…
Wonders in They Are Billions
Are they worth building? Most of them are! There’s one of them I have yet to build, and another I tried once and don’t think I’ll ever use again. Which is which? What are they worth? Let’s take a look. Most of the Wonders are huge, meaning a big footprint — as much as 6×6. They require a good bit of space somewhere in your base that isn’t crowded by frickin’ Mills all over. One thing Wonders have pushed me to do is to stop planting Mills in the first available space, because Mills, really, are 4×4 buildings. They belong against mountains or lakes, where half their required spacing is…
They Are Billions – Getting Started
They Are Billions is a roguelike, and that means that it has a lot of mechanics that you only really learn by failing them, dying, and having to restart. Sometimes, figuring out exact mechanics is a bit tricky. Other times, there’s stuff that you can’t understand until you see it in action — which makes choosing a solution difficult sometimes. For example – What’s a Market do? You can’t really see the effect until you place one down, which you can’t do until you’ve both researched it and have the materials on hand to place it. The Wiki is one place for answers. There’s actually two wikis – one at wikia and one…